What Can I Use to Clean Up Blood?

Jun 11, 2024

Ever find a mysterious red stain on your clothes or floor and wonder how to get it out? Take a deep breath – it’s probably not as bad as you think. I know calling a professional blood cleanup service seems like the logical choice, but you likely have everything you need right in your home already. 

In this guide, I’ll share simple solutions for removing fresh or dried blood stains using regular products from your cabinet and laundry room. From dish soap to baking soda, I’ll show you which techniques really work to break down the oily and protein-y stuff that makes blood so stubborn. 

By the end, you’ll be an expert at treating stains before they set in, saving your carpets, clothes and sanity!

What you need?

We’ve all got the basics at home to help erase that icky, insidious fluid. Your kitchen cabinets and laundry room are likely housing heroes worthy of the task.

  1. Dish soap or laundry detergent:

Those grease-busting cleansing ingredients in your average dish soap or laundry detergent make them ideal contenders for the job. 

Their surfactants smoothly surround and suspend soil-causing lipids, helping lift bloodborne biologicals from materials. 

A few drops directly on the affected area will generate clinging, caring foam to dissolve detestable deposits.

  1. Water:

This universal solvent acts as the activation agent for soapy solutions, aiding their penetration and protective properties. 

It also rinses away relieved remains, restoring texture and tone. Be sure to have some on hand – fresh, cool and ready to flush filth away.

  1. Old rags or paper towelssoap/detergent:

A rag, towel or sponge makes the perfect applicator and absorber. Their textured textures scrub sublimely and sop up seepage so you aren’t rubbing and spreading the stain further. Keep old ones around just for these kinds of unsavory situations.

  1. Baking soda or vinegar:

For truly tenacious tints, you might need backup. Staples like hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and distilled spirits offer additional abrasive or chemical qualities. 

A beauty or DIY supply area likely has these on offer if simple suds aren’t sufficient. Don’t be intimidated – with the right tools, you’ve got this in the bag!

Steps for fresh blood:

If the spill is still damp and vibrant, these quick actions could have it erased entirely.

  • Blot, Don’t Rub:

First things first – pat away excess essence with a lint-laden lining. Rubbing risks pushing pigments deeper instead of removing them, so dab gently until it’s all up.

  • Season with Soap:

Lightly dust the spot with a pinch of purifying powder. Give it time to totally penetrate those stubborn protein pieces, say 5-10 minutes.

  • Rub Out the Remnants:

Massage the mess with material, letting lather do its work breaking bonds. Rinse and review – if color lingers, don’t fret.

  • Repeat Until Vanished:

Re-season and rub as needed using a clean corner of cloth. Scrubbing sends those final flecks fleeing, usually just after one more round.

  • Dry Thoroughly:

Make sure to vaporize any vestiges to prevent future fading or new stains forming. With sun and air, it’ll disappear for good!

For set-in or dried blood:

If time passed and the mess hardened, no stress. We’ve got solutions for set spots too.

  1. Use a Cleanser:

Brew a blend by mixing soapy substance with either hydrogen peroxide or apple cider vinegar. The extra chemicals help crack crusty crusts.

  1. Rub On:

Apply the paste generously to the problem place and give it time to totally break down, maybe 5-15 minutes.

  1. Baking Bits:

For especially difficult dried drips, a gentle scattering of sodium bicarbonate can scrub while it sits, adding abrasion to the chemical reaction.

  1. Rinse and Rescue:

Once your potion’s finished working its magic, flush it carefully with fresh water. Chances are the color cleaned completely away.

With just a smidge more elbow grease on old offenses, these remedies will rescue even receded residues, restoring materials to their original hues.

Special cases:

Some surfaces need special TLC. Here are tips for those pesky places:

  1. Cushioned Canvas Cleaning:

For plush pile like carpets and furniture, dab away dampness then spritz with distilled H2O. Let full sun dry the deep down dirt.

  1. Clothing Conundrums:

Pretreat tough spots on clothes with a cleaning cocktail before a wash on the delicate cycle. Air fluff in warm winds to finish without fades.

  1. Other Odds and Ends:

For bathtubs, tiles or toys, a scrub with soapy water does the trick. On wood, wipe with lemon oil post-cleanse. In a car, blot up fast, then shampoo seats.

With patience and the right remedies, even nested nasties can now be nixed. Flexible formulas fit any fabric or surface so all spots simply slip away!


Well there you have it – some easy ways to take care of tricky blood stains that probably use things already in your house. Whether it’s fresh or old, a little soap and scrubbing should knock out those pesky blood spots for good. 

As long as you remember to blot up the excess liquid, make homemade cleaners for tough dried-in spots, and customize how you treat different materials, any stain should come clean pretty quickly. And if not, professionals are always an option. 

Feel confident now that you can handle most messes yourself – your carpets, floors and clothes will be grateful! You’re officially a stain-fighting champ. No mystery mark will stand a chance against your cleaning know-how.