Myths Of Crime Scene Cleanup

Jun 30, 2024

Cleaning up after the unimaginable – it’s a service few realize they may someday need. As disturbing as the idea seems, these difficult situations arise all too often. If you find yourself in the position of needing to sanitize a space violated by tragedy, don’t be misled by common misconceptions about what comes next. 

From handling the cleanup yourself to worries over costs, many assumptions simply aren’t true. As a certified crime scene cleanup service, we’ve dispelled major myths time and time again. In this post, we’ll burst five bubbles and get real about what crime scene sanitization involves – and how professional help can guide you through the aftermath with competence and care.

Myth #1: Only Police Can Clean Up Crime Scenes

Many people think only the police can clean up after a crime occurs. But while the police work hard to solve the case, cleaning up biohazards is not their job. They need to focus on collecting evidence and finding suspects, not sanitizing the scene.

  • Professional crime scene cleaners are specifically trained to handle hazardous materials safely. They have special equipment and know how to properly dispose of contaminated items.
  • These companies also carry insurance in case an accident happens during cleanup. Their technicians complete certification courses to learn the best practices.
  • Letting untrained people attempt cleanup can put their health at major risk if not done correctly. It could also damage evidence and make the investigation harder.
  • Certified cleaners have done this difficult job many times before. They know how to get an area safely disinfected and ready for normal use again as fast as possible.

The police are great at enforcement, but leaving experts to handle cleanup is the sensible choice. Don’t assume only officers can do it – specialized cleaners are ready to help navigate this aftermath.

Myth #2: It’s Not That Bad, I Can Do It Myself

After something scary happens, it’s natural to want to handle things yourself. But tackling crime scene cleanup alone can put your health and the investigation at risk.

  • Blood and other body fluids left behind may carry diseases that regular cleaning won’t remove. Professional-grade disinfectants and equipment are needed to fully eliminate risks.
  • Strict procedures must be followed to bag and label every contaminated item before disposal. Missing even traces could endanger anyone later entering the property.
  • Evidence could accidentally get contaminated or rubbed away by an amateur. This could hamper law enforcement as they work to understand what occurred.

Rather than taking matters into your own hands, rely on experts. Companies like SCU Services, serving Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Tennessee and West Virginia, have techs who’ve addressed many traumatic cases

They’ll sanitize the location while protecting any clues. Your safety and a swift resolution should come before doing it oneself. Let the pros handle this sensitive work.

Myth #3: It Will Cost Me a Fortune

The cost of cleaning up after a tragedy can seem daunting. But many assume the bills will be much higher than they really are.

  • Certified companies like SCU Services provide transparent, competitive rates customized for each situation. The total depends on the cleanup scope.
  • Waiting to address the scene means damage or contaminants spreading further. This requires more extensive labor and equipment to fully remediate safely. Calling immediately saves money in the long run.
  • Financial hardship should never prevent securing your health and property. Certified cleaners offer flexible payment plans to ease any financial concerns.

Don’t get discouraged by an uncertain price tag. Experts will give you an accurate estimate and work with your budget. Their experience streamlines the process too, avoiding unnecessary additional fees. Protect yourself from further risk or costly cover-ups – let the professionals handle this difficult job at a fair cost.

Myth #4: I Don’t Need to Disinfect or Dispose of Anything

After a trauma, some think just cleaning surfaces is enough. But germs and materials require special handling.

  • Diseases can linger if thorough disinfection isn’t done. This puts anyone at the location in danger of infection. It’s critical all contaminants are eliminated.
  • Biohazardous items like blood-soaked materials must be disposed of through approved waste facilities. Regular trash or sewers can’t remove the health risks.
  • Failing to follow hazardous material disposal guidelines brings serious consequences. Heavy fines or legal troubles could result from improper removal of infected substances.

Cleanup isn’t complete until properly disinfecting and removing contaminated materials. Certified technicians from companies like SCU Services ensure everything is sanitized and disposed of safely per regulations. Taking the required steps protects people and avoids future issues down the road.

Myth #5: Trauma Scene Cleaning Services Are Just Trying to Upsell Me

Some worry cleaning companies will try selling more than needed. But certified technicians must follow standards.

  • Laws and regulations dictate the steps professionals perform to make a location completely safe again. Missing even small areas could impact the results.
  • If parts aren’t sanitized properly, germs may spread further and recontaminate what was already cleaned. This risks people’s health and could lead to legal or inspection issues.
  • Professionals focus on thoroughly disinfecting every inch to keep occupants safe and allow normal use again. Upselling isn’t the goal when properly serving everyone’s best interests.

Rather than suspecting extra charges, see the required processes as protection for all. Technicians need to comply with guidelines that prevent future problems. Their priority is removing all risks comprehensively at a fair price through effective cleaning and disposal practices.


Cleaning up after tragedy is difficult enough without adding stress from misconceptions. While police have their job to do, only professional technicians are properly qualified to sanitize a contaminated area fully. 

They work diligently to eliminate all germs thoroughly and dispose of biowaste safely. Companies serve communities by guiding people through this process with transparency on costs and an aim to ease worries in a terrible time. 

Don’t let myths influence important decisions – certified crews handle the sensitive cleaning required so the healing can continue without further risks or complications. Their goal remains helping people move forward from unimaginable darkness into light again.